PS 34, Oliver H. Perry

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PS 34, Oliver H. Perry Elementary

Public School, Greenpoint Brooklyn. They were selected because they were struggling to re-open in Covid. They have a complicated, railroad style floor plan that made compartmentalization a challenge for returning students and staff.

Project Brief

The client asked for help planning for the reopening of school to allow for an A/B Schedule for hybrid students. DA provided strategies for the interior and exterior of the school, including outdoor classrooms. The classrooms were reconfigured and relocated to allow for proper social distancing.

Design Approach

The school was provided with an entrance and egress strategy, a circulation strategy, a graphics package, classroom configurations, and a guide for teachers, parents, and staff.

Design Advocates Team

Lea Architecture: Jane Lea, Tytus Millikan

Overlay Office: Abigail Coover, Cameron Kursel


PS 34: Alain Beugoms

Project Dates & Status

August, 2020-October 2020

Final / Latest Deliverable


COVID Signage


Washington Heights Streetscapes