Open Streets Barrier


Loisaida Open Streets Coalition

The Loisaida Open Streets Coalition manages the open streets in Manhattan’s East Village.

Project Brief

The current open street barriers are cumbersome and pose challenges when setting up and breaking down. Many communities do not have multiple volunteers to operate each barrier, essentially limiting access to the program.

Design Approach

The new barrier was designed to be a planter that would occupy a parking space at the end of each block, with a perforated gate that could slide out to close the street when needed. In addition, there were a series of modular components that could be configured for various activities and events that take place on the Open Streets.

Design Advocates Team


Carolynn Karp
Meg Kalinowski
Neha Tummalapalli
Space 4 architecture Thorton Tomasetti
Walter P. Moore Engineering

Project Dates & Status

August 2021

Final Deliverable

Existing Barriers

Concept Sketches


Le Paris Dakar


Open Restaurants Innovation